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Online learning opens up opportunities for those who are often otherwise limited.

BBA offer you an online learning in the most convenient way to provide continuing education and professional self-improvement. Its value lies in the fact that it’s broader and more personally beneficial than company training or the conventional education. BBA online learning provid you an access to quality eLearning classes will re-energize you and provide a sense of growth. It will renew your ambition to achieve more, and help you pivot your career. Our experience shows that those who have had an opportunity to attend online learning events feel more satisfied, curious, initiative-taking, and productive in their daily tasks.

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For the expected, unexpected and everything in between.

Our courses selection for this week

Qu'est-ce que le Lorem ?

On sait depuis longtemps que travailler avec du texte lisible et contenant du sens est source de distractions, et empêche de se concentrer sur la mise en page elle-même.

Pourquoi l'utiliser?

L'avantage du Lorem Ipsum sur un texte générique comme 'Du texte. Du texte. Du texte.' est qu'il possède une distribution de lettres plus ou moins normale, et en tout cas comparable avec celle du français standard.

Où puis-je m'en procurer?

Plusieurs versions sont apparues avec le temps, parfois par accident, souvent intentionnellement (histoire d'y rajouter de petits clins d'oeil, voire des phrases embarassantes).

Où puis-je m'en procurer?

Plusieurs versions sont apparues avec le temps, parfois par accident, souvent intentionnellement (histoire d'y rajouter de petits clins d'oeil, voire des phrases embarassantes).

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Online learning is not the next big thing, it is the new big thing.

Students do not learn much just sitting in classes listening to teachers, memorizing prepackaged assignments, and spitting out answers. They must talk about what they are learning, write reflectively about it, relate it to past experiences, and apply it to their daily lives. They must make what they learn part of themselves. eLearning shouldn’t be a casual joy ride on a Sunday afternoon with the cruise control engaged. The sole purpose of eLearning is to teach.

  The biggest benefit of eLearning is the utter lack of pressure. Because you get to set your own schedule and study only when you have time, eLearning makes learning not something you have to get over with, but something you look forward to! From experience, you learn more when you enjoy the process.  

Dr. Mohamed Belhocine
- groupe BHK Director -